IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events Proposal Document: -- Dataset 1 for Scene Classification Task (Task 1) Dataset developers: Dimitrios Giannoulis, Emmanouil Benetos, Dan Stowell, and Mark Plumbley (Queen Mary University of London) -- The dataset consist of 1 file: * -- File '' contains binaural (stereo) recordings of acoustic environmental scenes. It is the public development/training set for the Scene Classification task. The (unreleased) test set will be similar in recording conditions, coverage and file format. The acoustic scenes included are as follows: * bus * busystreet (busy street with heavy traffic) * office * openairmarket (open-air or semi-open market) * park * quietstreet (quiet street with mild traffic) * restaurant * supermarket * tube (train in the Transport for London, Underground and Overground, train networks) * tubestation (tube station in the Transport for London, Underground and Overground, train networks, either subterranean or supraterranean) Each class contains 10 recordings. Each recording is 30sec long. Files are named according to the class name, i.e. classXX.wav where XX is a two-digit, non-consecutive number. -- For any problems with this dataset, please contact: